Bond's Work Index Ball Mills
In a world with limited energy resources need to design the energy requirements of engineering processes cannot be over emphasized.
The Bond’s Ball-Mill Work Index is a measure of the resistance of the material to grinding in a ball mill. This Index is widely used in the industry for comparing the resistance of different materials to ball milling, for estimating the energy required for grinding and for ball mill scale-up.
This Index is widely used in the mineral Industry for:
Comparing the resistance of difference material to ball milling
Estimating the energy required for ball milling.
Ball mill scale-up.
Insmart make Bonds work index ball mills are manufactured strictly as per the standard of Dr. F C Bond.
Both the mills are supplied with recommended grinding media and assorted sizes of balls.
The Work Index ball bill is supplied with software.
With software version Bonds Work Index Ball Mills is a highly exported equipment as it single handedly helps the customer to quickly decide on the required changes in the plant ball mill grinding characteristics by quickly determining the resistance of the material to grind when there is a change in the material characteristics.
In the Cement industry, comminution is the highest consumer of energy. Napier-Munn et al. (1996) stated that 30 -50 per cent of the total plant power consumption for ore processing plants and up to 70 per cent for hard ores is attributed to comminution.
Whittles et al. (2003) observed that about 1.5 per cent of the annual electrical energy production in the United States of America is used in comminution processes in the minerals industry. Thus effective use of data from grindability tests can be used to evaluate energy requirements and grinding efficiency.
The energy required to grind one ton of an ore from a given feed size to a specified product size is a material property that needs to be determined for different ore deposits like Limestone, Bauxite, Iron Ore, Laterite etc.
The Bond's work index has generally been accepted as a measure of the grindability of an ore.