Electromagnetic Wet Drum Type Separator (EWDS)
Insmart Wet Drum Magnetic Separator
is designed for use in laboratories, mini pilot plants and low–capacity wet separation applications.
The basic unit consists of a stationary electromagnet mounted on a shaft with an outer stainless steel shell completely enclosing the magnetic element. The drum shell and heads rotate on bearings around the fixed magnet and shaft.
The entire drum assembly is supported in a stainless steel tank with a water level and a discharge control. One side of this tank is provided with inspection slot so the separation action and water level can be observed.
The Laboratory Model Wet Drum Separator has a capacity of up to eight gpm and can be used in either concurrent or counter–rotation operation. Because an electromagnetic element is used, field intensity can be regulated to determine optimum separation conditions. In addition, the magnetic force can be regulated to simulate cobbing, roughing and cleaning applications by adjusting the dc voltage input and gap between the drum and tank.
Magnetic Drum:
• Drum Size : 750 mm diameter x 400 mm width.
• Fabrication : 2 mm thick 304 stainless steel shell.
• EN8 shaft provided with pillow blocks.
• End plates fabricated in SS 304.
Magnet Assembly:
• Magnetic element will be medium power multiple pole design suitable for fine particle sizes.
• Magnetic field: variable electromagnetic coil based.
• Multiple pole electromagnetic assembly.
• Magnetic Field Strength of electromagnetic coil: upto 4500 to 5000 Gauss.
• The tank will be fabricated from stainless steel grade 304.
• Mild Steel support frame to hold the entire assembly.
• Provided with suitable discharge outlets for magnetic & non magnetic flow.
• Provided with neoprene based scrapper for removal of magnetic from drum surface.
• Water sprinkler system for continuous cleaning of drum.
• The unit is supplied with completely enclosed dust proof control panel box.
For ore concentration and beneficiation, heavy media recovery, and purification of liquids and slurries containing ferrous contaminants.
• Electromagnetic Wet Drum Type Separators of insmart make are supplied with counter current and co-current tank configurations as per customer requirement.
• Provision exists for varying the field strength upto 5000 gauss on drum surface at 1 mm air gap.
Drum Speed:
0 -22 RPM
Power Requirement:
Integral Geared AC motor drive 1Hp AC, 3 phase 415 Volts, provided with Variable frequency drive to vary drum speed.